The Elephant Trunk Nebula with the William Optics FLT 132 and the Canon Ra
My first clear night with my new build and the first 3 hours was spent here on the Elephant Trunk Nebula before hiding behind my neighbors tree.
Exposure: 38x300s
Camera: Canon EOS Ra
Filter: Optolong L-Extreme
Optics: William Optics FLT132
Mount: EQ6R-Pro
Guiding: WO 50mm - ASI120MM
Bortle: 4
Processing: PixInsight for calibration, PCC, DBE, ColorSaturation, and Adam Block Star deemphasis script. Photoshop for noise reduction, brought down the shadows and brought up clarity.
The colors of this scope are really amazing. It lives up to its name. I am really struggling to get great focus at 925mm but that will come with time and an auto focus system.
Clear Skies!